The Mazda Rotary Electric Car Leasing

The rotary engine in Mazda work since the early 1960's. During this time it created not only a lot of different models of cars are with Wankel engines, but that is worthy of more respect, they built around two million.

In late June of this year after the cessation of mass production of engines for the Mazda Wankel rotary engine fans lamented: an era gone. Then it became known that the Japanese are not going to wrap up work on the exotic rotors, just send it in a little different direction. For example, the rotary-piston engines, with their excellent power-to-footprint perfectly suited to the role of so-called extenders Range - units not connected to the wheels and rotating only the generator to recharge the electric vehicle traction batteries. In 2013, the firm Mazda will show just such a concept.

In 2009, Mazda has built kompaktven Premacy Hydrogen RE Hybrid, which served as the only rotary engine to recharge the batteries. And he worked on hydrogen and gasoline. So the experience of such a plan, the company rich.

This information to the head of the Hiroshima Takashi Yamanuti confirmed at the Moscow Motor Show. "We're still learning, - he said. - The rotor has a very good dynamic performance, but if you want to speed up and slow down often, its efficiency suffers. We can hold the rotor on the most profitable 2000 rpm, at the same time taking advantage of his size. "Takashi did not specify whether the electric car with an onboard generator Wankel created from scratch or based on one of the existing models, but added that the machine will produce a small series and it will be available for lease in Japan and later in other countries.

Key elements that can improve the performance rotary engine.

Mazda president also assured that the research on rotary engines will continue for as long as he remains in office. "When I joined the company in 1967, is a rotary engine explained it's my decision - said Yamanuti. - We continue to search for ways to improve fuel efficiency and investigation capabilities rotary engine, so that it could once again be the main source of energy the car. "These words, in particular, mean that in the indefinite future, we can still see the ideological successor bright coupe Mazda RX-8.

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